from Yated Ne’eman magazine, By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz (September 15, 2017):
From a Kol Chai radio program "The Central Edition" - with Betzalel Kahn (November 2016)
From Yediot Acharonot, Shabbat Supplement, Sivan Rahav-Meir (June 2015)
From a cover story in "AMI" magazine (June 2016)
From the magazine "Ketifa", Yated Ne'eman, Esther Weil (April 2016)
From a program on the radio station Galei Tzahal - "A weekend for two - with Sivan Rahav-Meir and Yedidia
From Besheva, Yedidia Meir (June 2015)
From the site of the Hulya organization
From Yated Ne'eman, Holiday Supplement (October 2015)
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